A vast open [[sea]] was before me, and up top, the [[midnight]] [[moon]] looked down at me. I was [[floating]] amidst the (text-style:"buoy")[ocean], and that is all I wanted to do. Nothing more was required at this [[magical]] point in life. They said that only (text-style:"shadow")[fools and dreamers ]wandered around at this time. Well, I was exhausted of holding onto what people thought of me. It was time I explored [[myself]]. I don’t know what magic is, anymore. At least not with how people think of it nowadays, with cleverly played tricks to deceive the mind. Isn’t magic just a //spicy zest// of [[life->Now]]? .... What? Do you think I’m [[foolish->midnight]]?[[midnight]]I was both cross and calm with myself. Cross because I was angry at myself, at who I had become. I didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore! At the same time, [[somewhere->Enough]] in the [[distance->doubts]], I was tired of my me vs. me internal fight. I just wanted it to be quiet, so I let it be. If only life, real life, could be as easy as this. But since we are in a [[fantasy->twinkle]], why not keep it low and easy... at least for [[now->Now]]?[[Stars->twinkle]] and sea kist were my companions, unless I counted (text-style:"blur")[[[myself->myself]]] too. Nothing could be closer than the truth, the truth of my existence. Permeating my sub-conscious like a (text-style:"blur")[muffled blanket] over my face. It’s so good to exist, but sometimes this fact [[stresses->floating]] out my soul, because am I living up to my [[purpose->Enough]]?Glimmer, shimmer, simmer…
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Am I that (text-style:"smear")[[[star->Enough]]]?Ahhh.... I breathed in the fresh salty air. What a way to open my mind and my senses. Life, with these precious and fleeting moments, is really (text-style:"fade-in-out")[[[beautiful->Enough]]].Well, that’s enough serious thinking for now. Let me [[live->Start]] a little!